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​Mr. Dekui Yao




Mr. Dekui Yao was born in 1947 at a place called Rehe in ancient, in northern China. There are exotic landscapes and many Buddhist temples, Confucian temples, and Taoist temples. He is kind and intelligent, and is extremely curious about life; therefore, he likes to read various interesting books and observe wonders from an early age. His mind is often full of whimsy. He has read a large number of Chinese and foreign philosophy and psychology books. He has studied esoteric Taoist and Buddhism theories for more than 40 years. Especially, he has unique perspectives about the theories of Tibetan Vajrayana and anuttara yoga. 

The author has visited numerous famous mountains and rivers throughout the country, Buddhist and ancient temples, Confucian and Taoist temples, Tibetan temples, and snow-capped mountains caves. He is a writer and a doer. He practices, using a marvelous way to achieve wisdom through enlightenment, according to the way of the ancients. Meanwhile, he uses the ancient masters’ theories of healthcare and life, arduously cultivates his own mind and body. Through his personal experiences and feelings, and his tenacious spirit and physical practice, he has achieved a high level of mental realm and a strong physical quality.


他的一笔画 His One-stroke Painting



The one-stroke painting created by Mr. Yao is a creation in the state close to meditation. When he empties his mind and enters a state of peace, his relaxed arm lets the pen freely walk on the paper following his soul. Throughout the painting process, he does not use consciousness to control and design the drawings, but lets the subconscious mind flow naturally and express himself on paper. This type of painting can also be themed, such as music, the universe, and so on. However, it is only a proposition. Afterward, instead of designing and thinking about it, he empties himself and lets the consciousness of the universe depict this proposition through his pen.



他的著作 His Book












《生命之光》  这本书主要面对海外人士和对中国文化不了解的人士。也可以说是初级养生学的版本。但是有一定中国文化底蕴的人,同样可以在字里行间看到或是感受到深刻的内涵。读这本书,不同文化背景的人有不同的感受,不同道德理念的人,会有不同的理解。它能够使不同层面,不同职业的朋友们都能从中受益。








潘林洁 博士




Life is precious; cherishing life is our instinct.


But what method to use to conserve life? We need to study and explore that. Life processes and life qualities are very different. The methods to conserve life also varies.


Ancient China is an advanced country in the world. At that time, the level of production and technology was very developed. However, it was not the type of “developed” in the modern sense, but one achieved in harmony with nature. That was not the same concept as with today’s modernization. The ancient Chinese people paid more attention to the study of nature, the relationship between nature and human beings, that is, the concept of "unity of man and nature." The ancients also paid attention to the study and exploration of life, including the life itself, life processes, life phenomena, and life mysteries. The ancients studied the sky, the fields, and human beings, and thus had remained a large number of valuable literature to the world, becoming an important part of China’s brilliant civilization formed in thousands of years. From the ancient times to the present, people are constantly pursuing, exploring, studying, and practicing. There have been a large number of books on healthcare; some are plain, and some are profound; some are scientific, and some are mystic. The profound contents are all deeply hidden in ancient Chinese books, languages are difficult to understand and the times are far away from the present. It is really difficult to fully understand the essence of those classical work


The author of this book has been extensively reading poems, books, records, and documentation, since a teenager, and later he devoted himself to the study and practice of life phenomena and life theory. Over the past decades, he has carried out a variety of methods of healthcare, summed up a large number of theories, and written a lot of manuscripts of great practical value. Now, he has formed a system of his own ideology and theories. The author is not only a writer or someone who just studies theories. He is a person who practices the theories, someone integrates Chinese culture with Kungfu. In terms of his theories, they are well-grounded; in terms of his Kungfu, the list is far from complete.


He is a modern anchoret. He has many ancient thoughts and mindsets, lifestyles, and habits; but, at the same time, he is so harmonious with the pace of the times. His dream is all for the health and happiness of human beings and nature, so that people can enjoy the modern technology while still understand how to cherish the gifts of nature and the essence of life.


The book of "SHENGMINGZHIGUANG" (i.e., the light of life) is mainly for overseas people and people who do not understand Chinese culture. It can also be said as a version of basic healthcare. However, people know some Chinese culture can also see or feel the profound meanings between the lines.People of different cultural backgrounds will have different feelings when reading this book, and people with different moral values will have different understandings as well. Therefore, the book can benefit friends at different levels and in different professions.


The author has some students studying and practicing with him. Most of them study medicine and life science. They have been studying and exploring constantly for more than ten years. And I am one of them.


We have tried to apply the theories of ancient Chinese healthcare, and use the ancient perspective of life, of the universe, and of the world, to study the modern science. In other words, use modern scientific methods to interpret ancient science. The two seemingly irrelevant things are organically linked to achieve the perfect unity of ancient science and modern science. We were surprised to realize that, for many things that modern science can't explain, we can find answers in ancient Chinese theories. Any imagination and depiction of the future by the ancients is almost a modern version of scientific development!


As young scholars, we are determined to use scientific concepts to analyze ancient theories in the ancient civilization of China and to earnestly explore the essence of life and the universe, in order to benefit human beings and the world. We also hope our endeavors and achievements will please our dearest mentor, Mr. Yao, let his selfless mentoring benefit more lives. Thereby, more people can come close to his extremely generous, intelligent and bright heart, to feel that inexhaustible power!





世间的万事万物,生命是最具奥妙的了。人类研究宇宙和世界,未知的内容是那么无限与广博,生命对于我们 是即紧密又遥远。即使就是我们自身,灵与肉日夜相伴, 对自己也并不十分了解, 甚至是及其陌生的。


















Preface by Author 


Life is the most profound and subtle thing among all that in the world. Human beings study the universe and the world. However, the unknown is so infinite and extensive, and life is both close and distant to us. Even as for ourselves, our soul and body are accompanied by each other day and night, but we do not know ourselves that well, or even know little about ourselves.


We all live only once, so life is precious. Life is the carrier of all social and family activities for human beings. Thus, if one loses his or her life, he or she loses everything in his or her life. Cherishing life means one understands life, pays attention to life, and preserves life.


In ancient China, kings and subjects of many dynasties studied the mysteries of life, exploring the way to longevity or even eternity. They had conducted long-term theoretical research and personal practice. Among them were some remarkable people who made great achievements; some were Taoist priests and monks, and some others lived in the deep forests to carry out arduous practice and later became superlunary masters. All of this has formed a wonderful culture about health care with oriental features. Among the ancient Chinese civilizations that have been formed over thousands of years of history, the culture of health care is an important part.


In my lifetime, I spent almost all my energy and enthusiasm and gradually formed a complete ideology through theoretical research to personal practice. I try to turn the ancient to modernity, turn abstruseness to conciseness, turn remoteness to proximity, turn empty to existence, turn ideas to lives, and turn dreams to reality.


The book of "SHENGMINGZHIGUANG" (i.e., the light of life) is a simple explanation of the health care culture. I say it’s simple because the expression of words and languages is relatively simple. however, it is not simple in terms of thoughts and contents as well as psychological and philosophical aspects. The depth is between the lines and beyond the book. The ancient culture, thoughts, philosophy and realm of the East were extremely esoteric and incredible. When conditions permit, I will continue to publish more works. I hope that Chinese compatriots with Chinese culture and friends from all countries who like Chinese culture can gain inspiration and benefits from these articles, so that your lives and health can sublimate, and you can achieve happiness. That will also be my happiness.


Neither is life, survival, living, or the life process isolated. They are all related to the spacetime surrounding this life. On a certain day of a month of a year, at a certain time, in a certain place, then and there, the historical environment, the natural state, the social development, the humanity level, the moral concepts, the life and economic conditions, and so on, which are all directly or indirectly affecting one’s life. Therefore, one's life is connected with nature, the country, and the society.


Hence, health care is not only about the maintenance of life itself, but also about the protecting the natural environment and ecological balance, protecting world peace and eliminating war, beautifying society and people's lives, improving human morality and cultural level, achieving happy affection, marriage, and family and fully enjoying health, freedom, and happiness.


Humans need health care, and the earth needs health care too. The health of one person and one country has some meaning, but not all. If a country is maintaining health but another country starts a war against her, people’s lives in the former country will be swallowed by war and the country’s health care loses its meaning. The world’s environmental protection is to advocate all countries in the world to protect the living environment for humans. The world’s peaceful environment is also the guarantee for everyone’s life and the need for health care.


This book analyzes the phenomena of life, the role of life in the universe, the influence of the environment on lives, the connotation of information and soul, and the relationship between spirit and body, from different levels and perspectives, and using comprehensive factors.

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